Embrace the journey, cherish the moments, and create a loving legacy for you and your child.

9 Child Custody Tips for Mothers

Child custody disputes can arise out of divorce, domestic violence, and separations. When child custody is a factor, parents face many challenges, including navigating unfamiliar court systems, determining parenting schedules and child support, and raising children without a co-parent around. While there is no guaranteed way to minimise stress or attain a favourable outcome, there are many steps parents can take in advance to increase the likelihood of success.

When mothers split up, there’s often a lot of back and forth between themselves, their fathers, their two ex-spouses, and the children. When children are involved, child custody becomes even more involved, and the process can seem interminable. Often, mothers feel like they have very little power when negotiating a custody deal, but there are a few children’s custody tips that can make the process a little easier.

Be Active in Your Children’s Lives

When finalising a divorce, child support and custody arrangements are invariably questions that will come up. If you are the mom, you have a right to these things, but what’s important is that your children know they have you in their lives. Being active in your children’s lives really is as simple as making time to have a routine with them. It can be something as simple as going out for ice cream or a weekend camping trip. The important thing is that you’re doing something special.

Be Flexible

When it comes to getting custody of your children, flexibility is key. If you choose to file for divorce, the courts will heavily consider your custody agreement when making a decision on who will gain primary custody of your children. Your custody agreement is legally binding, meaning it can’t be changed once finalised.

One great way to achieve that is to find ways to be flexible. Getting into agreements that can’t be changed later can be problematic. It can often cause animosity between parents, so instead of making assumptions and being rigid, be flexible and open to making concessions.

Prioritise Your Parenting Plan

Child custody battles can be long and stressful for parents and children alike. Child custody battles deal with the custody of a child and can therefore impact a child’s life forever. Child custody battles will often result in complications and strife for both parties. A good child custody plan will allow each parent to share a child’s responsibility while ensuring the child’s best interests are met.

Don’t say bad words to your ex in front of the kids

While no one is going to instruct you on how to win custody, there are certain steps you can take to help in a divorce. It is a delicate situation when you are trying to divorce, but there are a few things you can do to help the process. The most important thing to do is to treat you and your ex with respect, no matter how angry or for what reason. You hold the key to your child’s future, so make sure you treat your ex respectfully in any situation.

Listen to your attorney

When it comes to making important decisions about your child, you need to trust your instincts and follow your gut. Just make sure you are consulting with an attorney you can trust and that you are both fully aware and informed about all the child custody laws in your state. This can help protect your emotional well-being, as well as your relationship with your children.

Be respectful

All mothers must show respect to their children’s father when working out a custody agreement. This does not mean that you have to be nice, but it’s important to show that you respect him as a person just as he does for you. Always be civil to him, and never take him for granted. Instead, treat his visitation with that respect.

Know your rights 

Knowing your rights can be helpful if you’re a mother or primary caretaker looking for a favourable custody arrangement. Child custody laws vary from state to state, with certain legal factors being more or less important depending on your county. For instance, in most counties, the courts are more likely to favour joint custody arrangements rather than sole custody arrangements. You and your spouse jointly decide to raise your child in joint custody. This means that co-parenting is the norm, and neither parent has full authority over the child.

Stand up for yourself.

If you are fighting for or against child custody, standing up for yourself is important. Child custody battles are stressful, time-consuming, and emotionally draining. It’s a process that will test your patience, and you may be tempted to give up. But you should never give in or give up.

Lawyer up for child custody

A child custody attorney can step in and help you sort through child support, custody arrangements, and legal testimony to help determine what is best for you and your children.

Book a free session